Liked to the Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region presidency, occupies the old headquarter of the Supreme Court of Rio de Janeiro.
The building construction started in 1905, as part of the city urban restructuring project of the federal capital, and was destined, initially, to host the Mitra Archbishop. When the works have started the building was taken by the Federal government to host the Supreme Court of Justice, which didn’t have a definitive headquarter and it was opened in April 3rh, in 1909. Projected by the architect Adolpho Morales de Los Rios, the building is one of the most important testimonies of the ecletic Brazilian architecture.
STF occupied the building until 1960, when the transference of the Capital was made to Brasília. Since then, the place hosted the Superior Electoral Court, the Alçada tribunal and the Court of Justice. After seven years of restore works, the building was opened to the public in April 4th, in 2014, as Cultural Center.
Avenida Rio Branco, 241 - Centro
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
+55 21 3261-2550
Tuesday to sunday, noon to 7pm.
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