Installed within the fields of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, the Solar Grandjean de Montigny is an example of Brazilian neoclassical architecture. The place is taken as a national monument by the Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage since 1938. Preserved and restored the Manor was built to be the residence of the French architect Auguste Henri Victor Grandjean de Montigny, who came to Brazil in 1816. The space is used to implement cultural and artistic activities and also offers, collection, archive and library. As University Museum is a link between the University and the community and encourages the study and reflection on art and Brazilian culture of the nineteenth century, XX and XXI.
Rua de São Vicente, 225, 225 University PUC-Rio - Gávea
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
+55 21 3527-1435
Monday to friday, 8h30am to 5pm
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