The national Library, considered by UNESCO one of the biggest national libraries of the world, it’s also the biggest library of Latin America. The original core of the powerful collection, calculated today in about 10 million items, is the old library of D. José organized on the Diogo Barbosa Machado inspiration, Abade de Santo Adrião de Sever, to replace the Real Library, which origin dates back to the collections of John I books and his son Duarte, and it was burned that came from an earthquake in Lisboa on November 1st in 1755.
The National Library collection grows upconstantly from donations, purchases and the law of legal deposit ensuring the registration and custody of the national intellectual production and enable the control, the elaboration and the disclosure of the current Brazilian Bibliography, as well as the defese and the preservation of the national language and culture. For purposes of legal deposit, understand that all recorded works, in any physical support, destined to the sale or free distribution.
The National Libraty have many areas of public services, offering services to the visitants, researches and academics who wants to consult and search their collection, or simply know the nice historical building that hosts a lot of works. Click here for more informations.
Avenida Rio Branco, 219 - Centro
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
+55 (21) 2220-3040
Monday to friday, 9am to 7pm. Saturday, 10:30am to 3pm
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