Deva Rajhy Holistic Therapy offers services of Feng Shui, which consists in the art of changing the home and the work environment into harmonic places. This millennial technique has the amazing power of stirring and moving the energies that may be stagnant in the lives of people, healing and improving the financial, romantic, family and health areas. This technique is applied based on a person’s birth date, and then a calculation is performed and the more auspiscious cardinal points of the client’s house are found. It works as an acupuncture on the environment, activating the house’s vital organs and naturally weakening the inauspicious points. And Aura Soma services are also offered – the mirror of soul, Floral Patterns, Reiki, Iridology, Alquemic Astrology with Floral Patterns, Alquemic Astrology with Engravings and Crystal Therapy.


Avenida Armando Lombardi, 1000 - Barra da Tijuca
Rio de Janeiro - RJ

+55 21 24875177

+55 21 996296240


From monday to saturday, 8am to 7pm.

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